We need your help to find the cure
Your support is essential to finding the cure that will end the pain of this disease. Your legacy can be a world without Alzheimer’s Disease, Lewy Body Dementia, Vascular Dementia and Frontotemporal Degeneration and Related Disorders. Private giving is the driving engine of much of the groundbreaking and compassionate work done by the Comprehensive Center for Brain Health. Philanthropy continues to make the critical difference in our ability to support cutting-edge research, provide world-class transdisciplinary patient care and provide educational and training opportunities. Please consider getting involved by making a gift today or promising your support through planned giving.
Your Legacy Could be a World without Alzheimer’s Disease, Dementia and other Neurodegenerative Disorders.
The Comprehensive Center for Brain Health is one of the largest and scientifically productive research groups in Florida and is a major referral center locally, nationally, and internationally. Dr James Galvin, Director of the Comprehensive Center for Brain Health is known throughout the world for his cutting-edge research findings, state-of-the-art transdisciplinary collaborative care model, and educational and training programs for the lay public and health professionals. Your support is crucial in helping us to continue this important work. Your involvement will bring us closer to a cure.
Your return on investment
Dr Galvin’s goal is to strategically utilize philanthropic support to invest in sustainable research projects that can translate into additional research fundings from the National Institutes of Health, State Departments of Health, and Disease-Related Associations such as the Alzheimer’s Association and the Lewy Body Dementia Association. A past donation of $1.1 Million dollars was used to leverage 4 new NIH grants totally $25 Million dollars, a 2,243% return on investment. Are you interested in finding out more about what your generous gift could do?
How to Give
You can bring us closer to a cure
Matching Gifts & Corporate Donations
Annual, Monthly, and Planned Giving
Hold an Event
Funding Opportunities
Endowed Positions
- Faculty endowed chair
- Endowed Fellowship
- Sustained Clinical Staff Positions (Nurse practitioner, physical therapist, social worker)
Naming Opportunities
- Clinic
- Conference room
- Labs
- Exam rooms
- National/International Conference Funds
- Pilot Study Funds
- Enhanced Facilities
- Programmatic Support
- Unrestricted Funds